Our Services
Welcome to Doc Sinus!
Millions of Americans are affected by sinus infections, nasal obstruction and allergies. These disorders have a significant impact on quality of life and account for many days of loss productivity and time off from work. At Carolina Sinus Center, we are here to help.
Dr. Williams is the founder of Carolina Sinus Center and has a broad range of experience and expertise in the medical and surgical treatment of allergy and sinus disorders. She also specializes in in-office balloon sinus dilation, a minimally invasive procedure that offers lasting relief to patient suffering from sinusitis.
As Otolaryngologists, our doctors are trained in the medical and surgical treatment of head and neck disorders. We have special expertise in managing diseases of the ear, nose, sinuses, oral cavity and pharynx (mouth and throat.)
Our ENT specialists are also trained to treat allergy, snoring, sleep apnea, infections and tumors of the head and neck.